The UK is set to cut the emissions by 60% in 2030 as the first one in the world. The first one to make this decision legally binded.
The Committee on Climate Change advised the Uk in this decision, but it would take a lot for the UK to accomplish such a difficult task. It has consequenses for the energy sector, farming and motering. The energy market must make their energy completely zero carbon and homes need to be overhauled to stop them leaking heat. The petrol driven cars need to be replaced with 11 million electric hybrid cars. The UK has set this emission cut to accomplish an 80% in 2050.
I find the emission cut advise from the CCC a good thing. The UK can be an example for the world. If the UK can do it why can't the other countries. It takes a lot of effort to accomplish such a high percentage, but if you make it legally binded you have to do everything to achieve this goal. I think there is no alternative at the moment than cut back on emessions and let the world still be a place to live normal.
I always found this subject very interesting. But, it is also making me crazy how the oil companies are always doing their best to stall us from finding an alternative energy source. But I totally agree with you that this might be a good start, maybe the best till now.